Education And Research Institute Tenders
Tender Value
Multi State Tenders
Closing Date
31 - Mar - 2025
47 Days to go
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Procurement Plan for the Financial Year 2025-26 and 2026-2030, Icp-ms (seaf Sub-vertical), ion Chromatograph (seaf Sub-vertical), Icp Oes (seaf Sub-vertical), Uv-vis Spectrophotometer (czc and Hzc), Tkn Digestion and Distillation System (hzc), Water Purification System, Gel Doc System, Gc-ms Tq (seaf Sub-vertical), Icp Oes (seaf Sub-vertical), Bench Scale Gas Separation System (esge Sub-vertical) 01 No. 25.0, 12. Multi-parameter Discrete Analyser, (esge & Seaf Sub-vertical) 02 No. 160.0, 13. Ed Xrf (seaf/apc Sub-vertical) 1 No. 250.0, 14. Ec-oc Analyser (seaf/apc Sub-vertical) 1 No. 200.0, 15. Lab Refrigerator (seaf Sub-vertical) 4 No. 6.0, 16. Inflammable Storage Cabinet (seaf Sub-vertical) 4 No. 10.0, 17. Acid Purification System (seaf Sub-vertical) 1 No. 30.0, 18. Water Purification System (ep Sub-vertical) 1 No. 10.0, 19. Nano Drop (ep Sub-vertical) 1 No. 12.0, 20. Tkn System (esge Sub-vertical) 1 No. 30.0, 21. Cod System (esge Sub-vertical) 1 No. 5.0, 22. Uv-vis Spectrophotometer (esge Sub-vertical) 1 No. 10.0, 23. Do Meter (esge Sub-vertical), Turbidity Meter (esge Sub-vertical) 1 No. 5.0, 25. Cascade Impactor Air Sampler (wcta Sub-vertical) 1 No. 7.0, 26. Weighing Balance with 6 Decimals Along with Anti-, Vibration Table (wcta Sub-vertical), Lcms-ms (seaf Sub-vertical), Lca Tool Up-gradation 1 No. 10.0, 2. Ecoinvent Database for Lca 1 No. 5.0, 3. Workstations 2 No. 8.0, 4. Computers, Wearable 5 Wavelength Aethalometer Microaeth, Ma200, Statistical Software (spss/minitab/stata Etc.) 1 No. 6.0, 2. Isokinetic Flue Gas Analyzer, Up-gradation of Phast and Safeti (risk Assessment, Tool), Deep Freezer (– 80 O C) and Deep Freezer (– 20 O C) 1 No. 14.0, 2. Refrigerated Tissue Homogenizer 1 No. 7.0, 3. Sonicator 1 No. 3.0, 4. Autoclave, Biosafety Cabinet 1 No. 12.0, 6. Personal Air Monitors, Promethion Nanopore Sequencer 1 No. 400.0, 2. Bsl Ii Cabinet 1 No. 3.0, 3. Bsl Iii Cabinet (glove Box) 1 No. 10.0, 4. Quantstudio 5 Qpcr 1 No. 20.0, 5. Vitek Maldi-tof, Res2dinv and Res3dinv Professional with Perpetual, License Software, Lab Fridge 40c, 1., 2. Hot Air Oven 1 No. 2.5, 3. Double Distillation Water System 1 No. 2.5, 4. Bod Incubator 1 No. 3.5, 5. Multi Parameter Analyser 2 No. 5.0, 6. Table Top Turbidity Meter, R&d Consumables for Closed Loop Systems, Electrodes, Software Upgradation, Etc) (sensors, 125.0, 2 Chemicals (solvents, Crms, Srms and Other Reagents, Etc), Other Consumables (column, Syringes, Farm Consumables, , Filter Papers, Planting Materials, Seeds, Agriculture, Accessories, Etc.), Glass Wares (beakers, Conical Flask, Volumetric Flask, Burette, , Pipette, Digital Burette and Pipette Etc.) 125.0, Plastic Wares (beakers, Conical Flask, Volumetric Flask, Bottles, Etc.), Toner Cartridges. 30.0, 7 Batteries, Etc. 50.0, 8 Gases (argon, Helium, Oxygen, Nitrogen Etc.) 50.0, 9 Maintenance/amc/repairing of Existing Equipment, Stationery Items (towels, Napkins, Duster, Pen, Pencil, Eraser, , Sharpener, Marker, Etc.) 75.0, 11 It/software-related Items (computer, Printer, Scanner, Laptop, , Switches, Server) 250.0, 12 Furniture (laboratory Table, Computer Table, Executive Table, , Chairs, Lab Stool, Storage Cabinet), Electric Items (generator, Transformer, Cables, Fan, Tube, Lights, Halogens, Protective Switches, etc.
Education And Research Institute Tenders
Tender Value
Karnataka Tenders
Closing Date
18 - Feb - 2025
6 Days to go
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Supply of Arduino Uno DIP, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega, Node MCU, Raspberry Pi 5, Breadboards & Mini Breadboard, Breadboards & Mini Breadboard, General Purpose solder able Board, General Purpose solder able Board, Berg Strips, Berg Strips, 16x2 LCD display With I2C, 16x2 LCD display With I2C, OLED, USB Cables, Water Pump module, 8 x 8 LED Matrix Module, Bluetooth module, 7 Segment Led Display, GSM, GPS, Laser Diode Emitter, LDR Module, Keypad, Joy Stick, Active Buzzer, Active Buzzer, Motor driver, Sound Playback Module, DC Plastic Gear motor with wheel, WeMos D1 R2, Vibrating Motor, Hook up Wires, Jumper Cable, Jumper Cable, Jumper Cable, Jumper Cable, RGB LEDs, LEDs Red , LEDs Green , LEDs Blue , LEDs Yellow , LEDs White , Timer IC LM 555, Button Switch Set, Switch, IR Sensors obstacle avoider sensor module, 5 channel IR, Triple Axis Magnetometer, Aerospace kit, Automobile kit, Bio Medical Kit, Omnidirectional Robot, Robotics Mechanical Contruction kit, IoT Development Kit, MQ Series, MQ Series, MQ Series, MQ Series, MQ Series, MQ Series, MQ Series, MQ Series, IR transmitter receiver, Ultrasonic Sensor Module HC SR 04 or compatible, Triple Axis accelerometer, PIR Motion Detector Module, Relay Module, Relay Module, Big Sound Microphone module, Big Sound Microphone module, Soil Moisture Sensor, Touch Sensor, Metal touch sensor module, Rain Drop Sensor, Flex Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Temperature and Humidity Sensor module, Force Pressure Sensor, Colour Recognition Sensor, Water Flow Sensor, Sound Sensor, IR Sensors Array for Line Following, Power Bank, RFID Reader Tags, RF Modules Tx & Rx 315 MHz ASK, Stepper motor with Driver board, DC motor, Servo motors, Servo motors, Servo motors, Servo motors, 150 RPM BO Motor, L298P Motor Driver, Servo Motor Tester, Coreless Motor, Fingerprint sensor, Round display Module, ESP32 cam, ultrasonic Mist maker, step up Buck volt, Contactless Temperature Sensor, Arduino Uno R4, Solenoid Push Pull Linear Actuator, DTMF decoder module, Battery, Battery, Adopter, Battery, Battery Holder, Adopter. Qty : 4293